How long does it take to learn how to ski?

A beginner's journey into skiing
Skiing is a simple concept. Place your feet on two wooden planks, head for a slope then go downhill at a fast speed. Behind this simplicity lies a lifetime of learning. No-one takes to the slopes immediately and it can require a lot of effort just to remain upright for a few seconds. But how long does it actually take before you’re ready to tackle your first blue slope?
Skiing for beginners is going to be difficult. After a lifetime of walking on dry land, it requires a whole new way of thinking and balancing. But it’s something that can be learned at any age. Around a third of beginner’s lessons are attended by adults who can get the skills they need just as easily as kids.

First-time skier checklist
Before your first lesson, it’s good to prepare physically and gain a reasonable level of fitness. You’re likely to be using muscles not normally employed in everyday life.
Practice ski sits against a wall, do some running and strengthen your legs so you have the stamina for the challenge ahead.
Checking with your doctor to make sure you’re okay to ski is also a good idea if you have a history of medical problems.
Read up about skiing before you start. Find out what you’re likely to be doing in your first few lessons. Understand what a pizza is and the principles of turning and stopping on skis. This won’t automatically mean you’ll be able to do these things straight away but it will give you a head start.

Go with a pro
Do choose a professional ski instructor for your first lessons. A few people can teach themselves the right techniques but most require expert guidance if they don’t want to spend their first few hours face down in the snow.
If you’ve booked a Club Med holiday then you’ll find plenty of beginner lessons for adults and the rest of the family. Our qualified G.O.s will know how to get you on to your first blue slope in the fastest time possible and they’ll also be able to give you great advice about the equipment you’ll be using.

What to expect?
Don’t let your first day put you off skiing for life. It can be easy to get disheartened as you fall over for the umpteenth time. Be realistic and don’t set a period of time it will take to you to ‘get good at skiing’. Everyone learns at their own pace, but everyone will eventually be able to master the techniques required.
Make sure you have the right equipment you can hire everything at Club Med and are fully protected from the cold. Don’t worry about ski-lifts yet. You’re unlikely to be using them for the first few days. Instead, you’re likely to be on flat snow, learning how to move forward, stay upright and balance correctly.
Above all, enjoy the experience. You’re at the start of a journey that will lead to rich rewards in the near future.

How long does it take to learn?
If you’re starting from scratch then it’s going to take two or three days before you have the skills and confidence to start the first run on your own. Even then it should be the easiest slope and it’s good to have supervision. It’s said that skiing is fairly easy to learn but very difficult to master. Don’t be discouraged. You’re skiing education is going to last for years but, before the end of your first week, you can expect to start enjoying the freedom and joy that comes from hitting the pistes.
So are you ready to embrace a new skill anyone can learn? Book your Club Med ski break and we’ll see you on the slopes.